a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
nuchalis Hansson

Antenna lateral, female.

Head frontal, female.

Vertex, female.

Thoracic dorsum, female.

Thoracic dorsum, female holotype.

Propodeum dorsal, female.

Gaster dorsal, female.

Originally described in

Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, Vol. 82:272.


Antennal scrobes join below frontal suture; costal cell with a row of setae on ventral surface; scape dark brown; head transverse, 1.5X as wide as high, and triangular in frontal view; propodeum with an elongate nucha; petiole 1.5X as long as wide; female gaster elongate and acuminate, MM/LG = 0.7, 6th tergite 1.2X as long as width at base; first gastral tergite smooth and shiny.


Costa Rica.



Similar species in Lucid key



Depository of primary type

Natural History Museum (BMNH), in London.